In January this year, the Prime Minister announced that a statue of Netaji would be erected at India Gate to commemorate his matchless services during the struggle for freedom. For carving the Netaji statue, 280 metric tons of monolithic granite stone was brought to Delhi from Khammam district, which is 1,665 kilometers away. It was transported in a 100-foot-long lorry on 140 wheels.
The statue, carved out of a single monolithic block of jet-black granite weighing 280 MT sourced from Telangana, was built over 26,000 hours by more than 40 artisans.
The black stone of Telangana's Khammam district will once again shine in the national capital. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unveil a 28-foot-tall statue of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, carved in the famed black granite of Telangana, at India Gate in the heart of Delhi on Thursday evening.
A black granite statue of Netaji Subhash Bose, constructed in Telangana's Khammam, was inaugurated by PM Modi at the new Central Vista on Thursday. Sculptor of the statue Arun Yogiraj, who hails from Mysore, says he was selected after his statue of Sankaracharya at Kedarnath temple caught the prime minister’s attention.
The statue was sculpted in a traditional Indian style using modern equipment under Arun Yogiraj, a renowned young artist from Karnataka. It now stands as one of the tallest monolithic statues in the country.